Tips to help you better cope with your journey through grief
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Tips to help you better cope with your journey through grief

Updated: Jun 19, 2023

If you are reading this, you are probably experiencing grief, which is one of the hardest journeys for anyone to go through.

The journey through grief is different for everyone.

One of the most important things to keep in mind is that in order to properly heal your grief you have to have two things; time and patience.

However, it takes a lot of time and effort put in towards the way you want to view your life. The best way to help move through the process is to change the way you think and perspectives of life could play a big role in how you achieve grief and overcome it.

Here are 9 tips to help you better cope through your journey through grief.

  1. Get counselling ask your medical professionals for referrals to those who are specialized in dealing with grief.

  2. Join support groups reach out to your local hospice to find groups that deal with grief.

  3. Distract yourself by spending more time with family and friends, immersing yourself in activities and occasions with family and friends will help you find new meaning and purpose.

  4. Create memories do things that you enjoy.

  5. Take care of your health most important don’t ignore signs or symptoms.

  6. Meditate or take up something artistic, music, dance, art and yoga are great ways to heal the body and soul.

  7. Do something in memory of your loss loved one, release a butterfly, plant a tree, create a garden.

  8. Let people comfort you, it’s okay to have people want to do things for you, don’t be afraid to ask.

  9. Let yourself feel the emotions of the loss, cry if you need to. It’s okay to cry, have your bad days, and remember those you love.

Keeping busy and active is a great way to help distract yourself from the grief that could consume you.

Don’t be hard on yourself. Sometimes you will feel lack of motivation but that’s okay. Remember to keep your head up high.

Don’t feel selfish about doing things you love, your loved one will want you to keep busy enjoying life.

Give yourself the time you need, self-care if very important during this journey. And this includes asking for help when you need it, no one will judge you for that.

It’s not going to be easy, to stay distracted all the time, if you are finding that it’s harder to deal with the grief then don’t forget there are resources available to you.

Everyone will go through the grief journey differently.

If you have any questions or need some extra support please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Hospice Dufferin, we are here to support you.

Blog written by RaDeana Montgomery Resource Development and Communications Coordinator Hospice Dufferin.

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